Dental alloys

8853 S.p.A.’s activity in the dental sector dates back to 1970, when Mariovilla decided to break into the world of dental alloys. Ever since the company has always committed itself to provide avant-garde technology for top quality products.
Their production, initially centered on Orvill alloys, was subsequently followed by the Valcambi Dental and UNION DE ORO productions, which made 8853 a future-oriented company, always open to the market trends and ready to offer to its clients the most advanced products: this lead to the commercialization of top quality and highly advanced ceramics, equipment and consumption materials always in step with the time.
Through the years the company has developed its own national direct distribution network and started several collaborations also with international Private-Label dealers. The company has been granted the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification for the planning, manufacturing and commercialization of the products in full compliance with the Directive 93/42/CE Annex II and identified as CE 0477.
We offer after sale service on several levels to all our clients:

  • Free technical assistance by dialing the 800-284065 toll free number
  • In-depth examination of the client’s work in order to determine possible planning imperfections, thickness of the metallic structure and ceramic baking level.
  • Quality control through a metallurgical/micro-structural analysis of customer’s work complete with the related analysis report and photographs.

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Dental alloys